László SZÉCSI - leading developer

László is associate professor at Technical University of Budapest, Hungary, at Dept. of Information Technology, Computer Graphics Research Group. He is expert in medical image processing, computer game development, virtual reality and object-oriented programing, and he performs most of the coding of GEARS.

Péter HANTZ - application scientist

Péter is biophysicist at University of Pécs Medical School, Hungary. He is expert in MEA electrophysiology, recording setup development, photoreceptor upconversion, and in modeling with the toolkits of statistical physics. He initiated and cordinates the GEARS project, and is responsible for the content of the software.

Günther ZECK - scientific advisor

Günther is group leader at the Institute for Natural Sciences and Medicine of the University of Tübingen, Germany. His group is working on neurochip and multielectrode array development, as well as basic research in retina physiology. He is testing GEARS and suggesting software improvements.

Ágota KACSÓ - software developer

Ágota is PhD student at Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. Beside computer graphics, she is working in spikesorting and signal anaysis. She contributes to coding and testing GEARS.

Róbert RAKOVSKI - webmaster

Róbert is masters student in computer science at Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj/Kolozsvár, Transylvania. He is managing the homepage of the working group.

Homepage Design: IdeaPlus Team
